Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Victory Up! Stepping Up to Victory, Part II

My February 7 blog is the background for this posting. In it, in response to an email received at my Victorious Woman website, http://www.victoriouswoman.com/, I wrote about how a woman has the Power of Choice and can make a decision to refocus her life. I also included questions that she, or any of my readers, can use to help them step off the Victim Stepping Stone and into a better life. In this posting and the next, I’ll explain more about the Stepping Stones.

Victory Leaves Clues
When I researched women for my book, Victorious Woman! Shaping Life’s Challenges into Personal Victories, I came to understand how strongly our lifestyle either supports or sabotages our victories. In interview after interview, I recognized the telltale signs of the Victorious Woman in the way she lived her life and the way she viewed her past (and present) challenges. Over time, I noticed specific patterns of thoughts and behaviors associated with different lifestyles. I grouped them together into four lifestyle choices. I called them STEPPING STONES because, while most of the time we take steps forward, we also occasionally step sideways or backward. Unfortunately, like my February 7 emailer, sometimes we get stuck in a lifestyle that isn’t good for us.

There are four Victorious Woman! Stepping Stones™:
Victorious ∙ Savvy ∙ Surviving ∙ Victim

Since introducing the STEPPING STONES, I’ve received wonderful feedback from those who read Victorious Woman! attended one of my workshops or keynote addresses. What they tell me is that the STEPPING STONES showed them how their lifestyle – the small choices they made every day – either supported or sabotaged their goals, dreams, even their everyday routines. The STEPPING STONES showed them how to see their life differently and gave them a direction for moving forward.

With my workshop and teleseminar participants, once they have a direction, they utilize the Six Victory Skills to determine how to help themselves get stronger. Then, they apply the Victorious Woman Model for a practical approach for improving their lives.

I’ll share more STEPPING STONES information in my next post.
With the best intentions,

©AnnmarieKelly2007. All Rights Reserved.
You can learn more about the Stepping Stones, Victory Skills, Victorious Woman Model AND read the encouraging and inspirational stories of nine women who earned the title Victorious Woman in my book, Victorious Woman! Shaping Life’s Challenges into Personal Victories. Available at http://www.victoriouswoman.com/order.htm and bookstores everywhere.

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