Friday, May 2, 2008

Victorious Woman Month Starts Today!

May is International Victorious Woman Month.

What will you do to celebrate and make this a victorious month? Here are three ways you can “get your victory on” and make this a spectacularly victorious month:

Focus on Victory
Give up those thoughts that you “can’t do it” or “are too young/old” or “don’t have the money.” Instead, think about end results. What do you want? How will it feel when you get it? How will your life be different?

Visualize Victory
Start making pictures of your victory in your mind. Research shows that your mind doesn’t know the difference between real and fake. It outpictures what you visualize. So, if you are picturing yourself failing or just getting by, that’s what you get. This month, pledge to focus only on positive pictures. See yourself overcoming obstacles and making the victory stretch that leads to success. You can even make a Victorious Visioning Book (for instructions:

Act Victoriously
There is an old adage: “if you always do what you’ve always done, you will always get what you already got.” Do something different and better than you did yesterday. Make a phone call that you’ve been putting off. Take a risk. Find a mentor. Reach out and network with someone who is already at the personal or professional level you want to be.

For more Victorious Woman ideas, click on this blog's title for a free download of the Victorious Woman Calendar’08 with thirty-one daily tips for focusing your life on victory.

Wishing you an amazing Victorious Woman Month!

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